UCW Training was previously under the helm of the Late Great Legend, Joe “The Assassin” Hamilton . The honest and truthful resume possessed by this man are unparalleled. No one anywhere can come close to having the legitimate credentials of the ASSASSIN.
If you want to break into the business or you are the Indy worker looking for your big break, this is where you need to be!
We offer full training and conditioning, as well as Live Events, and advancement to Regional and National television as & advancement opportunities to THE BIG LEAGUES, including TNA, & WWE!
Joe “The Assassin” Hamilton, member of the WCW Hall of Fame, The NWA Hall of Fame, the GWH Hall of Fame, he had his 1st pro-match in June of 1956, and retired in Oct. 1988.
On May, 24, 1958, Teaming with his brother Larry, Joe became the youngest man to ever wrestle in a Main Event in Madison Square Garden, Joe was 19-years old when he did that, and that record still stands today. Throughout his entire wrestling career he was features in Main Events all over the world, He wrestled in all 50-states, plus traveling to and wrestling in many other countries such as: Canada, Mexico, England, France, Germany, Spain, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Thailand, India, South Korea and Japan.
During his career he wrestled (14) different World Champions, he defeated Dusty Rhodes for the NWA World title in the Bayfront Center in St Petersburg, Fl. but lost it back to Rhodes the same night because of a NWA technicality.
(54) of the wrestlers he trained went to the Major Leagues of Wrestling. Here’s a list of people that were trained by “The Assassin”.
Thank you for All you did for Universal Championship Wrestling and the Entire Industry!
(1) Triple HHH -WCW & WWE
(2) The Great Khali -WWE
(3) M.V.P.-WWE
(4) The Miz-WWE
(5) Matt Stryker-WWE
(6) Brett & Brian-“The Majors Bros.” Zach Ryder- WWE
(7) Michelle McCool-WWE
(8) Chuck Palumbo-WWE
(9) Ray Gordy-WWE
(10) The Freakin Deacon-aka-Luke Gallows-WWE
(11) Mike Knox-WWE
(12) Eric Perez-WWE
(13) Krystal Marshall-WWE
(14) Brook Adams-WWE
(15) Rebecca DiPeitro-WWE
(16) Kid Kash WWE-& TNA.
(17) Ryan O’Reilly-WWE
(18) Krissy Vane-WWE
(19) Kofi Kingston-WWE
(20) The Big Show-WWE
(21) Bill Goldberg-WWE
(22) Kevin Nash-WWE-TNA
(23) Marc “Johnny B. Badd” Mero-WCW-&-WWE
(24) Diamond Dallas Page-WCW-&-WWE
(25) Scotty “The Raven” Levy-WCW-&-WWE-& TNA
(26) Jack Swagger-WWE
(27) Nattie Neihart-WWE
(28) Angel Williams- WWE-& TNA
(29) Taylor-TNA
(30) Elix Skipper-TNA
(31) Palmer Cannon- WWE
(32) Bradley J.-try-out-WWE
(33) Todd & Mike Shane-“Gymini”-try-out WWE
(34) Derrick Neikirk-try-out-WWE
(35) Nick Mitchell-try-out-WWE
(36) Mark Jindrak-try-out-WWE
(37) Brian “Kronik” Clark-WWE
(38) Johnny “The Bull” Hugger-WWE
(39) Ernest “The Cat” Miller-WWE
(40) Sonny Siaki-try-out-WWE
(41) Dale “The Dragon” Torborg-try-out-WWE
(42) Chad Fortune-WCW
(43) Erik Watts-WCW
(44) Lash LaRoux- WCW
(45) Allen Funk-WCW
(46) Mike Saunders-WCW
(47) “Reno” Rick Cornell
(48) Evan Karagous-team of 3-count- WCW-&-WWE
(49) Greg “Crucifier Khuchevsky” Hunke-WCW
(50) Ron “Studd” Reis-7ft. 4in. 407 pounds.-WCW
(51) Chad Brock-WCW-Left wrestling for Country Music.
(52) Harold “I.M. Smooth” Hogue- WCW.
(53-&-54) The other half of Gymini