Asheville, NC Civic Center was the site of this historic event! As BIG POPPA PUMP- Scott Steiner made his first appearance in a wrestling ring since his departure from WWE.
On this night the STEINER BROTHERS reunited on of professional wrestling greatest tag teams!
Also featured- The Shooter, Hardcore Champion- The Barbarian, Mr. #1 George South, American Heavyweight Champ- Ricky Morton, TLC - UCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH, with the BOOGALOO CREW- Scottie Wrenn & J.C. Dazz take on the Carolina Connection, Feature Presentation- Jeff Lewis, Morbid, Chris Hamrick, Viper, KC Thunder, Sonny Landell, Dawn Renae, Disco Inferno & more
Hosted by Ralph Harkey, Jason Martin & Dan Parris