Another UCW Super Card! Xtreme Spring Stampede DVD has it all!!!
This event featured The Barbarian, & Demolition AX vs The Shooter & Buff Bagwell in a hardcore match beyond belief! And you won't beleive who get's thrown from the balcony thru a Budweiser truck winsheild below!
Also in action the Rock & Roll Express' Ricky Morton, Lash LeRoux, Sidney, TNA'sTraci Brooks vs ODB, all 3 members of the Midnight Express in six man tag team action (Loverboy Dennis Condrey, Sweet Stan Lane & Beautiful Bobby Eaton, Alan Funk-aka KWEE WEE, Mr. #1 George South, Brad Anderson, David Flair, the Boogaloo Crew- Scottie Wrenn & J.C. DAZZ, and more.
Also Johnny Swinger surrenders his UNIVERSAL TITLE as he heads off to WWE.
Hosted by Dan Parris & UCW former Commissioner, Dr. Tom Prichard.